API Usage Guide: Welcome to our API! Below are the endpoints available for you to use. You can combine multiple endpoints in a single request to chain their functionalities: 1. /date - Returns the current date and time in ISO 8601 format. 2. /hello_world - Returns a greeting message: "Hello, World!". 3. /ip - Retrieves the IP address of the requester. 4. /user-agent - Provides the user agent string of the requester’s device. 5. /geo - Offers geolocation data based on Cloudflare’s insights (if available). 6. /timezone - Provides the timezone associated with the requester’s IP address (if available). 7. /echo-headers - Echoes back all headers included in the request. 8. /cf - Returns specific Cloudflare’s request data such as country, ASN, etc. (if available). 9. /hcode/{code} - Allows you to specify an HTTP status code to return; useful for testing client error handling. 10. /payload - Handles and returns the payload. Supports both JSON and plain text based on the 'Content-Type' header of the request. 11. /json - Append this to any endpoint (except /hcode/{code}) to receive the response in JSON format. To use multiple features, simply append the endpoints to the base URL, separated by slashes. For example, '/ip/geo/json' will provide the requester's IP and geolocation data in JSON format. Each endpoint is designed to be lightweight and easy to use for both testing and integration purposes.